Reading through the Washington Post today, I came across an article "Phelps acknowledges photo showing him smoking pot". Normally, no one would care that a 23 year old is using illicit drugs but an Olympic Champion with a career total of 14 GOLD Medals is clearly a news story.

As a cultural icon in the American public eye as well as within the niche of the swimming community, Michael Phelps has in himself become a brand. According to, "A brand is a collection of symbols, experiences and associations connected with a product, a service, a person o any other artifact or entity." Michael is easily associated with swimming, Speedo, Visa, and Mazda.
The article, originally published in the Times displays a photo of Phelps lighting a "bong" to inhale marijuana smoke. Engaging in behaviour that contradicts his Olympic image has the ability to severely damage his brand image. With millions of dollars in endorsements, multinationals have invested heavily in Michael Phelps. Investing in the greatest Olympian of all time is a no-brainer and the ROI should be as safe as a T-Bill. With Michael Phelps aspirations of adding to his medal tally in 2012 looming, Could he be the worst investment of all?
Simply ridiculous...poor Michael Phelps. I think still sleep at night, with his collection of shiny medals and all lol.